Jun 26, 2019
Embracing Excellence 5
By: Chris Cain
Series: Ways To a Better Life
As we wrap up Point 1 in the "Ways To a Better Life" series, Chris references Romans 12:11 to speak about the need for motivation as we pursue excellence. All successful people have learned the art of self-motivation through the power of Holy Spirit. We have to learn to motivate ourselves and not rely on other people to keep prodding us on. We also need to stay modern, not falling into the trap of "we've never done it that way before." And, finally, we need to keep the momentum and not hinder what God is doing.
- Jun 26, 2019Embracing Excellence 5
Jun 26, 2019Embracing Excellence 5By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeAs we wrap up Point 1 in the "Ways To a Better Life" series, Chris references Romans 12:11 to speak about the need for motivation as we pursue excellence. All successful people have learned the art of self-motivation through the power of Holy Spirit. We have to learn to motivate ourselves and not rely on other people to keep prodding us on. We also need to stay modern, not falling into the trap of "we've never done it that way before." And, finally, we need to keep the momentum and not hinder what God is doing.
- Jun 19, 2019Embracing Excellence 4
Jun 19, 2019Embracing Excellence 4By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeWinston Churchill said, "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." We are not perfect and we will make mistakes. But failing does not make us failures. In our pursuit of excellence, we can look to Micah 7:8 for encouragement to keep getting up and learning from our mistakes. We will never achieve excellence if we are not afraid to make mistakes.
- Jun 12, 2019Embracing Excellence 3
Jun 12, 2019Embracing Excellence 3By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeAfter reviewing the first four points thus far in the Embracing Excellence discussion of the "Ways To A Better Life" series, Chris moves on to points five and six. With 1 Timothy 4:7, 8 and 2 Corinthians 13:5 as references, he reminds us that we are either in a process of continuing to develop or we are deteriorating; there is no standing still. We need to establish good habits to continually pursue excellence and we must evaluate our lives in the light of God's Word, not in comparison to others.
- May 29, 2019Embracing Excellence 2
May 29, 2019Embracing Excellence 2By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeIn his continuation of the "Ways To a Better Life" series, Chris expands on the first point: embracing excellence. In Part 1, we learned we need a mission to be excellent. Today, using Matthew 28:18 - 20 for reference, we learn that we also need a master plan and we need to manage well what we have.
- May 22, 2019Embracing Excellence 1
May 22, 2019Embracing Excellence 1By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeExcellence is the key to success in any endeavor. In taking Colossians 3:23 to heart, Chris exhorts us to strive to be the best we can be while not trying to be someone else. God created us for excellence; Jesus deserves our excellence; Holy Spirit empowers us to be excellent.