Sep 4, 2019
Worship and Renewal
When we gather together as a church, worship is not just a preliminary to the "real" service. It is critical because it opens something in us that makes us ready for what God has to say to us that will bring the renewal that we all need. We must not limit, in our gatherings, that sense of inviting in the Presence of God. As Pastor Chris starts with Psalm 100 as the backdrop, he reminds us that we must have an appetite for renewal, revival, and restoration.
  • Sep 4, 2019Worship and Renewal
    Sep 4, 2019
    Worship and Renewal
    When we gather together as a church, worship is not just a preliminary to the "real" service. It is critical because it opens something in us that makes us ready for what God has to say to us that will bring the renewal that we all need. We must not limit, in our gatherings, that sense of inviting in the Presence of God. As Pastor Chris starts with Psalm 100 as the backdrop, he reminds us that we must have an appetite for renewal, revival, and restoration.
  • Aug 28, 2019Outreach and Ministry
    Aug 28, 2019
    Outreach and Ministry
    The greatest part of what we hope to do as a church cannot just be inward focused. We have to be outward focused. We need to act like our community is our "Canaan" and possess the land, win it for Christ. As Pastor Chris poignantly points out from John 4:1 - 35,  we cannot lose sight of the fields that are white and ready for harvest and our hearts must be about reaching out to the community.
  • Aug 25, 2019Genuine Love
    Aug 25, 2019
    Genuine Love
    The thing that is going to transform people's lives is not performance. But rather, a sincere, genuine, unwaxed loved as Christ demonstrated on the cross. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at Romans 12:9 - 21 and dares us to live our lives without the mask and to truly love people, letting our "love be without hypocrisy."
  • Aug 18, 2019The Baptism of Holy Ghost
    Aug 18, 2019
    The Baptism of Holy Ghost
    At the moment of conversion, Holy Ghost takes up residence within us. But, there is an experience following conversion that turbo-charges our life as a believer. As Pastor Chris shows from Acts 2:1 - 4, the initial, physical evidence of Holy Spirit infilling is speaking in other tongues. We need that power component to be effective at all God has for us. And it is a gift for ALL believers.
  • Aug 14, 2019Holy Ghost and Gifts
    Aug 14, 2019
    Holy Ghost and Gifts
    Starting with 1 Corinthians 12:1 - 11, Pastor Chris explains the difference between the way Holy Spirit operates in our private, devotional life and how He operates in the congregational life of a church. It is critical that we understand this difference and the need for the gifts of Holy Ghost when we are gathered together.
  • Aug 7, 2019Have Faith In God
    Aug 7, 2019
    Have Faith In God
    In this foundational message, Pastor Chris looks at one of the most important ingredients we must have to experience any level of success in God's Kingdom--prayer in faith. He shows from Mark 11:12 - 26 that the point of prayer is faith and we will only go as far as we learn how to pray.
  • Aug 4, 2019A New Day & A New Beginning
    Aug 4, 2019
    A New Day & A New Beginning
    We cannot look back at how God has moved in the past and expect Him to move that way now or in the future. Reading from Jeremiah 31:31 - 34, Pastor Chris lays out three concepts that we need for a new day and a new beginning so that we can move forward into all that God has for us.