Sep 27, 2020

Praise In the Valley
Life is a series of peaks and valleys; and though we all wish life was only the mountain peak moments, the reality is that most of life is lived in the valleys. The challenge of faith is to turn our valleys into places of praise. In 2 Chronicles 20:1 - 26, we learn invaluable spiritual lessons from King Jehoshaphat that we can implement as we face our enemies. Pastor Chris highlights practical tips for praising in the valley and encourages us that praise really makes the difference when we cannot add it all up or see the way out yet we choose to praise God in the midst of it.
- Sep 27, 2020Praise In the Valley
Sep 27, 2020Praise In the ValleyLife is a series of peaks and valleys; and though we all wish life was only the mountain peak moments, the reality is that most of life is lived in the valleys. The challenge of faith is to turn our valleys into places of praise. In 2 Chronicles 20:1 - 26, we learn invaluable spiritual lessons from King Jehoshaphat that we can implement as we face our enemies. Pastor Chris highlights practical tips for praising in the valley and encourages us that praise really makes the difference when we cannot add it all up or see the way out yet we choose to praise God in the midst of it.
- Sep 13, 2020The Way Out of Worry
Sep 13, 2020The Way Out of WorryEveryone, to one degree or another, worries. We know, and studies have proven, that worry is emotionally, spiritually and even physically unhealthy. But what is the remedy? Reading from Matthew 6:25 - 34, Pastor Chris points out three practical observations that we can implement in our daily life. This will help us put our worries in the "God box" and allow Him to reign over our lives so we can rest in Him.
- Sep 6, 2020When Faith Counts
Sep 6, 2020When Faith CountsA question asked by most people is, "Why do we suffer?" In the crucible of life, in the face of unanswered questions, we can feel hopeless and despaired. But, in this message, Pastor Chris looks at the life of Job, a man intimately familiar with unanswered questions, and highlights what Job did in the midst of his turmoil and the eventual outcome. In the book of Job we do not see why the righteous suffer, but rather, what to do when they suffer and we see when faith really counts.
- Aug 30, 2020In Christ
Aug 30, 2020In ChristBy: Wade UrbanFear causes confusion and many people, including Christians, have been caught up in that confusion. As believers, we must be firmly planted in the foundation of truth and know who we are in Christ so we can stand against fear and confusion. In this message, Wade Urban of Restoration Ministries breaks down Galatians 2:20 and reminds us that we do not have a "destination" Gospel, but a "right here, right now" Gospel and we need to walk in the reality of who we are in Christ.
- Aug 23, 2020The Confidence Component
Aug 23, 2020The Confidence ComponentWe need an anointing of confidence to do and to say what God has called us to and that confidence must be in God alone, not in a person. When we hear from God, it breeds a level of confidence the enables us to be bold for Him. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at the words of God to Joshua in Joshua 1:1 - 9 and the promises found there. We can also stand on those promises and be encouraged, as Joshua was, that God will never leave us or forsake us.
- Aug 16, 2020O Wretched Man That I Am
Aug 16, 2020O Wretched Man That I Am"When a man is getting better he understands more and more clearly the evil that is still left in him. When a man is getting worse he understands his own badness less and less." (C. S. Lewis) There is a false notion that if there is no God, we can have complete liberation; but in reality, we become enslaved to sin. In this message, Pastor Chris preaches from Romans 7, reminding us that we all have a flesh that wars against the Spirit. The only way to gain the victory in this war is through the power of Jesus Christ and His victory over sin.
- Aug 9, 2020Not Forsaken
Aug 9, 2020Not ForsakenAs it seems that everywhere we turn, there is more bad news and chaos, we need to remain about the Master's business. That can seem like a daunting task until we remember the promise of God found in Psalm 9:10. In this message, Pastor Chris encourages us with that promise and reminds us that our job is to seek God; it is God's job to take care of us. And prayer, though it is not the only thing, is the chief thing.
- Aug 2, 2020It’s Time to Quarantine!
Aug 2, 2020It’s Time to Quarantine!Lately, we have heard a lot about quarantining for the reason of our health. But, as Pastor Anthony exhorts in this message, it is vital that we quarantine certain things for the reason of our faith. He lays out four items that must be quarantined, or put in isolation, in the life of a believer if we are to walk strong and victorious.
- Jul 26, 2020Prospering in the Famine
Jul 26, 2020Prospering in the FamineIn this current spiritual famine in which we find ourselves, we desperately need God and the leading of Holy Spirit. In this message, Pastor Chris takes us to Genesis 26, where we find Isaac prospering in the midst of a famine. Pastor Chris give us three points to learn from Isaac to help us prosper in the midst of the famine.
- Jul 19, 2020The Remnant
Jul 19, 2020The RemnantNo matter what it may look like in these last days, God has always had and will always have a people, regardless of those who fall away. As Pastor Chris encourages from Joel 2, he points out that the remnant is not the "leftovers", but rather the seed of revival. Even though it may seem like no one else remains faithful to God and His Word, there is a remnant. And we must remember that the message of hope that we have must continue to be proclaimed and that the best is still ahead.
- Jul 12, 2020Power for End Time Living
Jul 12, 2020Power for End Time LivingWe cannot give away what we do not have. So, for us to make a difference in this hour, we need dynamic power on board. We need Holy Spirit power so that, come what may, we will have what we need. In Acts 1:1 - 8, Jesus admonished His disciples to not be concerned with the details of God's plan, but to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses. In this message, Pastor Chris gives us three reasons as to why we must do the same.
- Jul 5, 2020The Coming Storm
Jul 5, 2020The Coming StormAmos 3:7 tells us that "God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants". In this message, we hear Pastor Dana Coverstone share his three prophetic dreams regarding near future events. Then, Pastor Chris lays out several points we need to do as the Church to prepare for the coming storm. We are in a time that is not about the Church being comfortable; but rather, it's about us getting people ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Jun 28, 2020The Life of Blessing
Jun 28, 2020The Life of BlessingBelievers can live a life of blessing while also living a life of holiness. In this message, Pastor Chris teaches from 3 John and encourages us that God desires to bless us in all realms--body, soul and spirit. But we must remember that we are blessed so that in turn we can bless others.
- Jun 21, 2020A Plan for Rescuing America
Jun 21, 2020A Plan for Rescuing AmericaCurrently, our nation is facing tremendous turmoil and many are seeking answers. For America to get where she needs to get, the solution is not a quick-fix, but a determination to invest the time to see the desired outcome and return to foundational principles, namely, men rising up in Jesus' power and leading their families. From Micah 6:6 - 8, Pastor Chris lays out five qualities that men need to cultivate to bring our nation back to health.
- Jun 14, 2020Lost People Matter
Jun 14, 2020Lost People MatterThe Gospel has always been and will forever be a "whosoever" message. We must not allow the animosity and hatred to penetrate our hearts and cause us to forget that every person needs Jesus. No matter what we consider our occupation in life, the bottom line is that we are called to be soul winners. In this message, Pastor Chris takes us through the book of Jonah and encourages us to remain focused on the souls of the lost, just as God was focused on the lost Ninevites and not Jonah's feelings about them.
- Jun 7, 2020Experiencing an Encounter With the Eternal
Jun 7, 2020Experiencing an Encounter With the EternalGod is serious about making a difference in people's lives and we must be also. To facilitate that, we need to personally have a fresh encounter with the God of heaven. Without such an encounter, we are limited to our own insufficient resources to help people. Using Exodus 3 as the backdrop, Pastor Chris shows us three things about how we can experience an encounter with the Eternal.
- May 31, 2020The Chronicles of the Last Days – Build Yourself Up
May 31, 2020The Chronicles of the Last Days – Build Yourself UpSeries: The Chronicle of the Last DaysNear the return of Jesus Christ, there will be a falling away from the faith. How can we remain strong and not be part of the apostasy? In this final message of the series, Pastor Chris looks to Jude 1:20 - 25 for that answer. We have to have something inside of us that is greater than what is happening on the outside.
- May 24, 2020The Chronicles of the Last Days – Contend for the Faith
May 24, 2020The Chronicles of the Last Days – Contend for the FaithSeries: The Chronicle of the Last DaysIf we call Jesus our Lord, we are in His army, fighting the good fight of faith which is taking the message of Christ to the world. God has put that message in our hands and it is every saint's responsibility to assume the preservation and proclamation of that message. Reading from Jude 1:3 - 19, Pastor Chris lays out three points that we need to adhere to as we stand strong in contending for the faith.
- May 17, 2020The Chronicles of the Last Days – Called, Loved and Kept
May 17, 2020The Chronicles of the Last Days – Called, Loved and KeptSeries: The Chronicle of the Last DaysIn this first part of a three part series, Pastor Chris discusses the four basic questions we all need to answer: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? and Where am I going? Referencing Jude 1:1-2, 24-25, he shows us three components to see ourselves the way God see us. Because there is no way to be healthy in life without having a proper view of ourselves, we need to understand the importance of seeing ourselves as God sees us--called, loved and kept.
- May 10, 2020Making a House a Home
May 10, 2020Making a House a HomeSeries: (All)God established three primary institutions in this life: government, Church and family, with the latter being the fundamental building block of the first two. In spite of what current culture would like to say, the family does still indeed matter. Referencing Ruth 1:1 - 19, Pastor Chris gives us three principles for making a house a home.